

Keep parts of your GraphQL Introspection Query hidden

Once you have created your first schema and your GraphQL server is up and running, it makes sense to implement precautions to prevent it from being compromised by bad actors. In the context of Hashnode, our GraphQL API serves our website and blogs. T...

Date: |Estimated Reading Time: 13 min|Author: Florian Fuchs|Comments: 3

Building an Event-Driven Architecture at Hashnode.

Did you ever want to know what happens once you publish a post on hashnode? This is your chance. This is the first post of the series: Building an Event-Driven-Architecture at Hashnode This first post gives you an idea of what Event-Driven-Architect...

Date: |Estimated Reading Time: 8 min|Author: Sandro Volpicella|Comments: 3

How We Send Mass Personalised Emails using AWS Serverless Technologies?

As a Hashnode user, you will most likely already have received an email from us. I am sure you can imagine that we are sending quite a lot of emails every week – and most of them are personalized and you are the only one receiving exactly that email....

Date: |Estimated Reading Time: 13 min|Author: Jannik Wempe|Comments: 1

How Did We Choose Our Next Tech Stack at Hashnode?

The following is a republishing of a summary of a research I was tasked to do in Hashnode. The perspective here is me talking to my colleagues. I chose to keep that perspective to preserve the raw quality this writeup have. So keep that in mind when ...

Date: |Estimated Reading Time: 14 min|Author: Bahaa Zidan|Comments: 3