Hashnode ๐Ÿค™๐Ÿฝ calls your endpoints. Serverless Webhooks with AWS Step Functions

Sandro Volpicellaยทยท5 min read
Cover Image for Hashnode ๐Ÿค™๐Ÿฝ calls your endpoints. Serverless Webhooks with AWS Step Functions

In our last internal hackathon, Jannik Wempe and Sandro Volpicella built one of the most requested enterprise features - Webhooks.

The problem.

Imagine you host your headless blog on Hashnode. Your frontend consists of statically generated HTML pages. You need to trigger your build process once you publish a new blog post. This is one example where webhooks can help you. Once you click publish we automatically call your desired endpoint with an event.

The solution. Building webhooks.

Hashnode's architecture is mainly based on an event-driven architecture (EDA). That means that almost every action a user is doing emits events. For example:

  • user publishes a post

  • user updates the publication

  • user changes the name

These events result in an event to a central event broker (Amazon EventBridge). The idea of building webhooks is to allow customers to react to these events as well. We forward the events, sign it with a secret, and the users can flexibly react to them.

Screenshot of a webhooks management dashboard showing a list of URLs with associated actions and status indicators for post_published, post_updated, and post_deleted events.

Building webhooks as a multi-step process

There are several steps involved in building webhooks.

  1. Get the webhook configuratoin

  2. Wait to avoid caching/purging race conditions

  3. Loop over all configured webhooks and call them

This was our MVP sketch during the hackathon:

Flowchart illustrating a process where a post publication triggers an EventBridge, which then retrieves webhooks by publication, followed by a step function map state that includes actions for one consumer and an API call.

The final Step Function looks like that:

Flowchart diagram illustrating a webhook processing workflow with various states including decision points, lambda function invocations, wait states, and error handling.

The Step Function will be triggered by certain events. At this moment these events are:

  • post published

  • post updated

  • post removed

  • static page published

  • static page updated

  • status page removed

When one of these events occurs, one or more Step Functoins are invoked.

Webhook Test vs. Webhook Resends

There are two special cases in our webhook Step Function.

Flowchart showing a decision-making process starting with "Start", leading to a "Choice State" that branches into three Lambda function tasks based on webhook configurations and conditions.

There are two events that can be manually triggered from the webhook console.

Webhook Test: Manually send a payload to your webhook

This will send an example event to your defined webhooks. It is useful for testing your consumer systems.

Screenshot of a webhooks management interface showing URLs and their status with options for testing and viewing history.

Resending Webhook Messages:

The second special case is resending webhook messages. Messages may fail on your consumer. Or you want to process some event again. This is where resending the message can help.

Screenshot of a webhooks history interface showing a list of POST_UPDATED events with timestamps and a resend button, alongside sections for URL, Events, and HTTP response details.

Executing all configured webhooks

The typical flow of a webhook task looks like the following:

Flowchart depicting a state machine workflow for a webhook process, including tasks like invoking Lambda functions, handling choices, retries, and error management, leading to an end state.

First, we get the webhook configs. A user can configure multiple webhooks based on the same event. For example, once a new blog post is published the user wants to:

  1. Trigger the build process

  2. Posts it to his GitHub Bio

The Map State iterates over all available webhooks. Within one map execution, the Lambda function calls the webhook and updates the database.

The call to the actual webhook looks like this:

const response = await got.post(url, {
  json: payload,
  headers: {
    "User-Agent": "HashnodeWebhooks/1.0 (https://hashnode.com/)",
  timeout: {
    request: 30_000,
  // the step function handles the retries
  retry: 0,
  throwHttpErrors: false,
  followRedirect: true,
  maxRedirects: 3,
  hooks: {
    beforeRequest: [
      async (options) => {
        // always recreating the signature because it has a limited lifetime and thus should be fresh
        const { encodedHeader } = await sign({
          signingSecret: decryptedSecret,

        options.headers = {
        logger.info("Sending request", {
          headers: options.headers,

We are not using any retries within the Lambda function. Because the Step Function should handle all timeouts and errors.

Retrying RetryError

Of course, the Lambda function can fail. We have two type of errors:

  • RetryError - this error retries the execution again

  • All other errors - these errors won't be retried

We defined a RetryError so that we can retry specific errors. We retry if the following happens:

  • the response status code is >299

  • a request error happens

We don't retry if any other part of the Lambda function fails. If the database update fails, it is an actual error and won't be retried.

In the Lambda function we have configured a custom retrier for that:

  "ErrorEquals": ["RetryError"],
  "IntervalSeconds": 10,
  "MaxAttempts": 3,
  "BackoffRate": 2

If this special error occurs we retry up to 3 times with a backoff rate of 2 and an interval of 10 seconds.

Remember: Retries can bring down your downstream system very quickly. This is why we only allow up to 3 retries.

The Step Function succeeds because the issue seems to be on the receiver side. The Step Function only fails if we have to look into it. E.g. if the Lambda fails while saving a database entry, that means even if the webhook call itself was unsuccessful, the Step Function will succeed.

This is defined in the following catch task:

  // Choice state to catch RetryError and continue
  new sfn.Choice(this, "Retry Error Catch")
      sfn.Condition.stringEquals("$.Error", "RetryError"),
      new sfn.Succeed(this, "Retries exhausted")
      // Otherwise, fail the state machine
      new sfn.Fail(this, "Webhook Error", {
        cause: "Error happened in the webhook executor.",
        error: "Error in Webhook Caller",

That's it!

I hope we could shed some light on our implementation of webhooks at Hashnode. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask in the comments!